Live in the moment. Cherish the memories.
Magnetic Moments
Bringing moments to life
At Magnetic Moments, we believe life’s best memories deserve a place beyond your phone screen. Our mission is to transform your favorite snapshots into beautiful, custom 2-inch square magnets that brighten your space and keep cherished moments in sight, every day.
Whether it’s a joyful wedding, a family adventure, or a simple, candid moment with friends, our magnets bring those photos to life in a way that’s both tangible and timeless.
We’re here to help you get your favourite moments off your camera roll and into your life, where they belong. We know that life’s little details are what make it beautiful—and those are the memories worth sharing.
Frequently Asked Questions
Products are shipped to you using TTPOST TrackPak. You can use your place of work or your home address.
We currently have 1 pickup location in South at Crust2Crumb Dessert Cafe and Bistro. We are working on establishing a POS pickup location.
Orders over $1000 qualify for free shipping.
When checking out, you'll have the option to pay via Credit Card through WiPay, or through an online bank transfer. The banking information will be shown and can be used to complete the online transfer. Please ensure you put your order # in the comment field.
As these are customized orders, we do not accept payment at collection.
When you select a product, you will see the option to upload the required number of photos. We recommend that you crop your photos to a square (1:1) ratio before uploading.
If not, an email will be sent to you requesting your approval of photos that have been edited by us.
TTPOST advertises a 2 day delivery time. In our experience, the average delivery time has been 4 working days.
We've also had orders that were received as quickly as the next day, and others that took up to 10 working days. We've noted that there are generally longer delivery times nearer to the holiday season.
We regularly share customer reviews to our Instagram and TikTok pages.
On Instagram, reviews can always be seen by viewing our "reviews" highlight.
Anywhere, anytime.
We are an online store. All customer products are mailed via TTPOST TrackPak. Business orders are delivered.